Sunday, September 7, 2008

Put your New shoes on and suddenly everything's Right

Let's cut right to the chase: my kids made my feet big. People kept assuring me that my feet would magically shrink after a while. So, I waited. And waited. As a result, when Sam was 8 months old I had exactly two pairs of shoes that fit. So, I got really impatient and bought three new pairs in a week. Might not sound like a lot, but it was a new personal record. I put them on for the first time last week and came down the stairs. Paddy walked up to me and asked quite clearly, "Mommy, are those your new shoes?" "Yes," I replied, smiling. "They look nice!" said Paddy. My favorite compliment all month.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Baby Buffet: Under the Learning Tower

Sam finding some illicit food under the tower after the twins eat.