Friday, May 30, 2008

Uh oh.

We love pizza at our house, and since it's a fairly cheap meal I usually end up making homemade pizza about once a week. We also have the Learning Tower (which we absolutely love) and so the twins "help" with dinner more often than not. I usually start with the dough, and while that's rising we make pizza sauce. They love to pour ingredients in and taste each ingredient and are so excited by the prospect they will literally try anything: salt? "Tastes good!" flour? "Tastes good!" raw dough? "Tastes good!" I had just put the plain tomato paste in the bowl when baby Sam started to cry. Silly me...I told the kids, "Sure, you can go ahead and taste that," and then I went into the adjoining living room and sat down to feed a hungry baby. Folks, this was less than five minutes, really! Sam didn't want much and I was hearing way too much giggling coming from the other room. This is what I found:

"UH. OH." I said slowly, trying to process the scene. I couldn't believe the mess. It was packed into Isaac's ear. The back of Patrick's head. All over their sweaters. Eyebrows? Up both noses. Wow. I gotta get a picture. So while they were still shocked and knew they were in trouble, I snapped this. Priceless. Then I started laughing. :)

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