If you're a parent, you've tuned them out. If not, you've at least seen it- parents have an uncanny ability to tune out their kid's incessant chatter, not because they don't care, but because they are always chatting about something. Toddlers in particular seem to repeat the same thing over and over and over until you acknowledge it, "Yes, there are people outside. I see the people. Are you watching the people?"
I had to put the washed clothes in the dryer and so I asked for help from the twins. I immediately received an answer from Patrick, "Help laundry! Help laundry! Help laundry!" So I opened the front-loading washer and dryer and told him to put all the wet clothes in the dryer. It looked like he was really getting into it so I simply let him go at it and wandered over to the computer. A while later I realized that Patrick had been yelling something at me for the last five minutes, "Pants too Big! Pants too Big! Pants too Big!" I came over and started laughing as Patrick was tugging futilely at one leg of Mike's pants, the other leg stuck deep in the washer...
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