So, I frowned at him and started making dinner. Halfway through dinner I realized the cheddar-parsley biscuits (made with a household overstock of cream and parsley) weren't cooking right. They were browning too fast on the bottom and were in danger of all-out burning. I started to chew out the random recipe I printed out. Why didn't they get this right before posting it for everyone! Then, I realized it probably wasn't their fault. I can't follow a recipe to save my life and this was no exception. I doubled the recipe (not a good idea with baking.) I substituted cream for milk. Then added a lot more cream. Then added almost 3 times as much cheese. Then I put in parsley instead of sage. Then I got lazy and added even more liquid to turn them from roll-out biscuits to drop biscuits. Dang. I guess I'm lucky they didn't explode.
I fed the kids the slightly-crispy (but not burnt-really!) biscuits which Patrick would not eat the bottoms of (grrr...) with leftover ham (also an overstock item today). I poured myself a large glass of water and reached for the ice. Yes! There was one piece left! But it was so large it took up the whole glass. I stuck it in, but now I couldn't take a sip for at least 10 minutes. But of course I'm so stubborn by this point I wait, getting more parched by the minute. And say bad things about the freezer. Except then I remember who left the ice out on the porch during that nifty thawing day... Can't I blame someone else for anything today!?
Thankfully, Biscuit, our household scapecat, walked by and meowed at that instant. I chewed her out for eating too much and not excercising, and whining for her dinner. I did this while feeding her, of course. No use making her mad, I'd hear about it all evening!
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