When they were first potty training, I bought M&M's as "potty treats" in a small bag and only opened the bag only far enough to let out one M&M at a time. The bag lasted three weeks. Then, I bought a giant size bag to "save money" at Sam's, and opened the handy zipper-top. Four times as many M&M's lasted one week. Later, I got the idea to buy a box of Swiss Cake Rolls for 'special' potty treats (not for peeing...) I think I ate the box full in two days. Thank goodness I don't need to bribe them anymore for going potty.
So it should come to no surprise that my kids like sugar a lot...here's a sweet sampling (but not a complete listing) of recent sugar-related shenanigans...
Zucchini bread, the kids and I. We made a double batch together, and they helped and tasted ingredients at every step. When putting the second batch in the oven, I needed to run upstairs for something. I found the sugar canister, completely full, without the lid, abandoned on the top step with obvious hand-scoop marks in it. I still have no idea how Patrick got it off the counter and up the stairs without me or his brothers (both playing downstairs) noticing. What's more amazing is he didn't spill a grain. I can just see him concentrating to hold it steady...
Packing for camping, first trip. The twins found the 'beverage and snack' box, which contained tea, cocoa, some granola/energy bars, oatmeal, and misc. freebie packages. I found them upstairs in their closet (with the closet door shut) trying in vain to chew open two energy bars.
Packing for camping, second trip. Patrick woke up early and rummaged through my camping food ready to be packed in the car. He found a stray Trader Joe's chocolate bar and ate the whole thing by himself in the 'blankie corner' behind our couch. He loved it so much he couldn't help telling Mike all about it when he came downstairs!
In the 'blankie corner' again. Loading up the car to run errands (no simple task), I told Patrick that I needed to take out some things first, then we could get in the car. Patrick replied "Ok." Then he told me "That's ok Mommy, I'll wait for you here." On my second trip he told me, "I can wait for you here, you can keep bringing things out to the car, and I'll wait here Mommy." A little too agreeable, I thought. And sure enough, I walked over to find his stash of two granola bars he was furiously trying to open, he just needed a little more time...
Up at the cabin, in the corner, with the china. Sam has a facination with the open shelving up at the cabin. His great-grandma's dishes are sooo pretty. I had to pull him away from the area a half-dozen times while I was unpacking things and trying to light the stove. Then, as I was trying to light the fireplace, he discoved that the sugar and creamer set actually had sugar in it. I caught him with the little blue china lid in one hand, his little eyes wide with excitement, trying to shove as much sugar as his little fist would carry into his mouth.
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