Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

A little quiz! Do you see it? No, it's not the cat food, I left
that there. Hey, what's that orange piece of plastic? I
walked by it twice wondering what toy that went to before
realizing the truth. Things clicked together in an instant.
The plastic bag in the sink...did I throw that in there? Weird.
Patrick running suddenly upstairs while I was helping Sam
and then re-appearing a couple of minutes later. Aha! That
little mouse! That's my CHEESE!

The extra-large sharp cheddar block, complete
with gnaw marks. I stuck it in a bag and put it
in the fridge, we'll see if anyone notices...

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh my! That is some big mouse you have in your house!

That is really funny. Thanks for sharing! :-)