Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday Cards!

The twins are really into coloring.  And about a week and a half ago they learned to fold.  And folding lets them make cards.  But they don't like just any type of card, to them, the only card worth making is a birthday card.  So they make them for everyone quite happily.  Too bad most of them don't get labeled as most likely there's a card for you somewhere in my house and I don't know which one it is :)

They make birthday cards when someone is sick, or not feeling well, or a new baby comes, or they just need something to cheer someone up.

They made cards for Sam when he was sick last weekend, and kept bringing him cards until I packed him up and brought him to urgent care.  As I was pulling out of the driveway I saw Isaac open the door to the garage, waving a handful of cards and trying to tell me, "Mommy!  Sam forgot his birthday cards!"  He wanted Sam to have them so he would feel better :)

They must have been busy while we were gone, and since they were in bed when we returned home they didn't see Sam until the next morning.  Sam finally woke up and wandered down to the couch.  I went to check on him and Patrick and Isaac were surrounding him with birthday cards, several dozen of them.

Again yesterday Patrick and Isaac were in big trouble for throwing their train pieces and breaking part of a track.  Isaac made me a 'birthday card' and brought it to me, saying, "Mommy, this is for you, so you are happy, because you were mad at me and I want you to be happy." 

  Loving the birthday cards.

Sharing the Bowl

All three boys, sharing my cereal bowl full of Crispix in the morning :)

Love how Isaac opens his mouth to get Sam to open his- pretty darn funny!

So, after all three boys settled in and started eating, I filled up the bowl and let them go to it.  Except Isaac and Patrick soon were full and left.  Leaving Sam.  He dumped the entire rest of the box of Crispix into the bowl.  Not knowing how to pour the milk, he did the next best thing.  He took the cap off the milk and started putting Crispix, one at a time, into the milk.  Then replaced the cap, of course.  Mike came out to the kitchen, "You left him alone with that?!"  Bye bye, milk and cereal.  "Uh...yeah."  I replied sheepishly, "They were cooperating?"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And again.

notice the wall...

Worst. Smell. Ever.

Cat food, swirled until toasty and fragrant (about one minute) in the air popper with the popcorn. All the windows and doors were open at our house last night.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Anywhere but the bed

Hanging out with Mom wears you out a little.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The After Party

Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!! :o)

First Day of Preschool!

First Day of Preschool!!!
Groundhog's Day, Feb 2, 2010
Attending: Patrick and Isaac
Not attending (with regrets): Sam
Monday (pre-party):
    Wash appropriate clothes. dry appropriate clothes. set out clothes, shoes, boots, coats, forms, keys, etc.
Tuesday (event day):
    7:00am Wake up for Mom, make self presentable.
    7:15am Open shades and curtains. Start to wake boys up.
    7:30am Dress boys.
    7:45am Feed boys breakfast- eggs and ham, toast, jelly, juice, leftover floor pistacios.
    8:00am Sit boys on couch, prep for leaving.
    8:10am Boys in car.
    8:20am Mom locks door to garage, gets in car.
    8:21am Mom notices keys not in car
    8:22am Mom kicks door in.
    8:23am Mom does not lock door to garage, gets in car.
    8:24am Mom notices that not shoveling the driveway makes it kinda slippery.
    8:25am Car slides down last part of driveway at angle, car gets stuck on snowbank.
    8:26am Car tries it's very best, but cannot go over 5 foot icy snowbank, and cannot go up slippery driveway.
    8:27am Mom shovels very hard icy snow very quickly. Great morning workout!
    8:31am Car finally decides it's ok to back out, heads toward preschool.
    8:45am Three boys and Mom arrive at preschool!

    9:00am Preschool starts.
    9:45am Sam and Mom head to bakery, eat cookies.
    10:45am Sam and mom arrive back at preschool.
    10:46am Mom realizes preschool is not over yet.
    10:47am Sam and Mom head to music store.
    11:00am Mom browses sheet music. Sam tries to eat sheet music. Sam tries to play drums.
    11:01am Mom impulse buys kazoos.
    11:20am Sam and Mom arrive back at preschool.
    11:30am Patrick and Isaac come out! And the verdict is?!?

Smiles! Isaac sums it up best, "Mommy, I thought it was going to be scary, but it was fun!"