[droool....Emergency Christmas Cake. Black Magic Chocolate Cake with whipped cream and mocha buttercream center and topped with mocha buttercream. Made the morning before the Christmas party after the first cake failed.]
I was in charge of dessert for one of my parents' Christmas parties. I finally decided the day before the party on maybe a festive yule log cake and an optional lighter dessert. Isaac and I made the sponge cake and put it in the oven. The twins and I talked about the Christmas party, who would be there, what we would do, and that we were making the cake to celebrate Jesus's birthday.
I carefully prepared a clean towel with powdered sugar to roll the cake when it came out of the oven, and started researching my second citrus-based dessert. The buzzer rang, and I flipped the cake out on the waiting towel and began to gingerly roll it up. Crunch, crack, crunch. Uh-oh. Sponge cakes aren't known for their light crunchiness. I took a good look at the cake and picked up a corner. Half the cake came up in a solid, lightweight sheet. Not gonna roll this cake. Instead, I passed out sample cake-blocks to the twins, who appreciated them more than I did.
Sam came down from his nap ten minutes later and came to the kitchen to see who was snacking on what. Patrick ran over to him, leaned over, and carefully explained the situation to him: "Sam, Mommy tried to make God's cake, but it got crunchy, so now, we can eat it."