Twins decide they deserve a 'reward' m&m, but Mom is upstairs with Sam folding clothes
Patrick and Isaac move double-step stool to kitchen
Patrick and Isaac get down m&m bag and carry to closet
Mom and Sam go downstairs to check out squealing and giggling
Mom finds twins in closet downstairs with door shut
Mom finds immediately apologetic twins with their mouths full of chocolate sitting in the closet in a pool of m&m's
Mom leaves Sam to usher twins to bed for mandated early nap
Sam crawls up chair to tabletop to have crayon-eating contest with Biscuit the Cat
Mom comes downstairs to find Sam in middle of kitchen table eating crayons
Sam put on floor, Mom pushes in all chairs and heads upstairs
Mom has a 'talk' with twins upstairs
Sam finds cool double-step stool left handily by kitchen counter
Sam has butter tasting/smearing in kitchen
Mom comes downstairs and notices butter looks...well, odd
And for the award for best rapidly-disintigrating situation, the winning moral of the story is...
don't leave baby Sam alone for a second? don't leave Patrick and Isaac alone for a second? Sam needs more fat in his diet? Mom shouldn't be using a cop-out food-based reward system? Everything's better with blue baby bonnet on it? Butter all over the Land o Lakes? I can't believe it's all buttery?